Access to real wholesale pricing information
Brisbane Markets at Rocklea
produce annually
wholesale value
to secondary wholesalers, providers, food processors, retailers and independent supermarkets.
See wholesalers who support this Price ReportThe Brisbane Markets Price Report application (App) gives you easy access to the latest wholesale prices on produce lines and varieties in one location, so you will always know what price fruit and vegetables are getting on the trading floor at Queensland’s wholesale Central Market. (Prices display are for illustration purposes only)
Subscribe nowWe have several subscription options to cater for a range of needs for growers, wholesalers, buyers, industry groups and other businesses operating along the fresh produce supply chain. No matter where you are in the fruit and vegetable industry, the Brisbane Markets Price Report App gives you access to the latest wholesale produce prices from the Brisbane Markets wholesalers. If you require more sub-users, access to more produce lines or varieties, or want to download data, then please contact us to discuss a customised subscription.
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Best suited for
Smaller growers and buyers
Larger growers and small businesses
Industry bodies, corporates, and larger buyers including wholesalers, independent retailers and supermarkets
Number of produce lines/varieties
Up to 15
Up to 30
Up to 50
Number of account holders
Number of sub-users
Up to 2
Up to 3
Verifiable daily wholesale price data (min, max, average and most sales)
Verifiable historic wholesale price data
Up to 30 days included
Up to 90 days included
Up to 180 days included
Monthly subscription price (introductory price)
$15 + GST
$22 + GST
$29 + GST
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Verifiable daily wholesale price data (min, max, average and most sales)
Verifiable historic wholesale price data
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Verifiable daily wholesale price data (min, max, average and most sales)
Verifiable historic wholesale price data
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Register NowIf you have any questions about the Brisbane Markets Price Report, then please contact us.
A user guide can be accessed by clicking here.
The Brisbane Markets Price Report is generated from data obtained from the Brismark Credit Service which acts as the financial clearinghouse for transactions that occur from fruit and vegetable Wholesalers in the Brisbane Markets. Please see our Pricing Method Disclaimer for more information on how prices are calculated.
Yes, you can change your subscription plan at any time. If you are upgrading your subscription, then it will occur immediately, and you will be charged a pro-rata subscription fee for the remainder of the month. Your new subscription amount will be charged at the next billing period. If you are downgrading or cancelling your subscription, then the change will take affect at the end of the billing period. Please view our Terms of Service for more information.
Our subscription options cater for up to 3 sub-users per account. If you are on a Basic or Standard subscription plan, then you can choose to upgrade your subscription plan to allow for more sub-users to access your account. If you require more than 3 sub-users, then please consider registering for additional subscriptions, or contact us.
Our subscriptions plans provide you with either up to 30 days, 90 days or 180 days of historical data, depending on the option you subscribe to. Download data options are available by negotiation.
The Brisbane Markets Price Report Premium subscription plan allows you to access up to 50 produce lines or varieties. If you are on a Basic or Standard subscription plan, then you can choose to upgrade your subscription plan to access pricing information on more produce lines or varieties. If you require access to data on more than 50 produce lines or varieties, then please contact us.
There are 47 produce wholesalers that operate out of the Brisbane Markets at Rocklea in Brisbane. Sending your produce to Queensland’s Central Market will give you access to a larger base of buyers including international markets through export. You will need to establish a relationship with a wholesaler and have a Horticulture Produce Agreement (HPA) in place to send your produce to the Markets. You can find contact details for Brisbane Markets Wholesalers, their Terms of Trade, and the produce lines they deal in here.
You can see the latest news from the Brisbane Markets here or subscribe to Fresh Source magazine.
Alfred E Chave Pty Ltd
Arcella Banana Company
Armstrong Bros Fruit & Veg Merchants
Australian Ethical Growers
BG Brisbane
Carter & Spencer Group
Central Park Produce
Costa Group
Cumming Produce Centre
Don Alroe & Sons
Favco Queensland Pty Ltd
Franklin Bros
Gibb Bros
GNL Produce
Gollagher Bros
HE Heather & Co Pty Ltd
Ireland 53
J Allen Pty Ltd
J E Tipper Pty Ltd
J H Leavy & Co
John Potter Pty Ltd
KLS Farm Produce
Lavender & Sons
Lind & Sons Pty Ltd
M&D Vegetable Specialists Pty Ltd
Merendy & Sons Produce
Market Egg Supplies
Marland Mushrooms
Murray Bros
O'Toole Produce
Pershouse Produce
R W Pascoe
Rising Sun Produce
Shamrock Marketing
So Crisp
Stanton & Sons
Sutton Fresh
United Lettuce
United Organics
Viva Produce
Wholesale Produce Australia